Just realised that I have tremendous anxiety when it comes to obligations. Is that a common thing with autism?
TIL more than 1 in 10 Americans have no close friends. The share of Americans who have zero close friends has been steadily rising. From 3% of the population in 1991 to 12% in 2021. The share who have 10 or more close friends has also fallen - from 33% to 13%.
I've came to conclusion, that people in my workplace/friends will always look down on me...
"Everyone is on the spectrum". What's your opinion on statements such as this?
Have you ever felt like you had to exaggerate your symptoms/make them uncomfortably explicit for mental health professionals to take you seriously?
Has anyone else found their sensory issues have changed at all in adulthood?
Being dismissed only to be absolutely correct. Constantly.
Currently at a psych ward and feeling very not good.
Appointments… I just can’t do this
You can't assume someone's needs based off of how they appear to you
"An estimated 2.21% of adults in the USA are autistic, according to a CDC report" - Who are famous autistic adults we can point to?
2023-01-18 Social fatigue and loneliness at the same time?
2023-01-19 Do you ever feel like people are insane?
2023-01-19: Why is it hard to make people believe that I experience abuse and struggle?
2023-01-21: I (M34) have always been shunned for being "weird" and "way too into the movie Gymkata" but with some therapy I have finally grown to accept myself. Don't listen to the haters folks, be yourself!
2023-01-22: Only able to socialize drunk
2023-01-22: Anyone else just rotting away?
My coworkers having a gathering today and I am the only one not invited.
Do you guys constantly zone out when there’s a lot of noise, talking, people or things happening at the same time?
Are you ever just not able to say a specific word? A word you've said many times... but it just won't come out?
2023-01-23 I feel burnt out from just existing.
Autism Assessment Advice - medical industry refusing to allow written communications with an autistic person. We are dealing with genetic language processing problems that cause micro brain seizures. Look at the life expectancy of autistic people, stress and red-tape with medical KILLS people!
DAE have hypersensitivity to marijuana?
Study Examining 63 Million Medicare Recipients Finds Marijuana Legalization Does Not Increase Psychosis Diagnoses
2023-01-27 When I tell you 'I don't understand'
2023-01-28 What does going nonverbal FEEL like?
i'm wasting my life being unemployed but i don't believe i'm capable of anything
Is something wrong with me?
2023-01-29 not going to bother explaining autism anymore
36 (tw: suicidal ideation, seriously depressing thoughts - DO NOT ENGAGE IF YOU’RE NOT IN A GOOD PLACE MENTALLY)
can being drunk help you unmask?
Sometimes hearing my own voice makes speaking confusing. Like trying to talk over someone.
2023-01-30 Doctor dismissed my issues - two women who were diagnosed but still treated like crap
Being neurodivergent can be humiliating.
told this my entire childhood and still today. WBU
How do you ask for help when you don’t even know how to articulate your problem?
Finding out us almost traumatizing
2023-01-31 I feel so absolutely helpless and worthless and I hate myself for it.
Should I look for a different type of job?
I think I have autism
Autism rates have tripled. Is it more common or are we just better at diagnosis?
How to survive alone
Feeling like a prostitute when in a romantic+sexual committed relationship
How does Autism comorbid ADHD look like?
Do you know of any good sources to read/watch that can help me learn better how autistic people experience empathy for others?
Affordable US based ADHD diagnosis?
No sense of achievement?
Social Isolation - montage video
Getting away from food as a stimulant