2023-04-02 Sigh. Autistic Adults - Abandoned, Forgotten, Invisible
On getting older and "more autistic", as a woman. How can I help my partner umderstand?
DAE hate it when you ask for a very specific thing and people suggest you things that don't match your criteria? (Housing needs for survival come to mind)
Thinking hard makes the brain tired (economist.com) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35408874
Today I'm experiencing a reminder of why "Functioning" labels are unhelpful
Do any of you "bring work with you home" aka think/talk about work when you're not supposed to?
2023-04-05 My Burnout Story
Does anyone ever purposely trick you because they know you are easily confused?
I cannot trick my brain into allowing me to make progress and it’s incredibly frustrating
April 2023 things to look into
Employment and Mental Health Among Individuals on the Autism Spectrum
Speaker: Julie Lounds Taylor, PhD
Moderator: Elizabeth Laugeson, PsyD
Bringing Visibility to the Invisible: A Conversation with Russell Lehmann
Speaker: Russell Lehmann – Speaker, Poet, Advocate
Moderator: Nicole McDonald, PhD