February 2023 - Adult topics of Autism, some of the support group topics I found of interest
2023-02-01 I'm completely broke, unable to find a job and looking for diagnosis.
Demand avoidance.. do I have higher support needs than I realized? What to do about this?
When I speak to people, I often get no response back. Then I feel stupid and embarrassed.
2022-02-02 Serious question, sorry if it offends. Why is ADHD medicated while Autism isn't.
Autism itself as a mask? (how Reddit itself is dangerous and hostile)
2023-02-03 Can we just talk about how satisfying of an answer distribution we got from this poll?
Autistic meltdowns vs Panic attacks? Same, different, or similar? - USA and incompetent therapists wo don't know what sensory overload is;
2023-02-04 I Can't Speak
I've told three of my friends about my autism diagnosis now,'=
2023-02-05 does anyone else get upset when you feel like you aren't being taken seriously?
does anyone do this while texting/typing something out? Using parens to share networked ideas, non-linear thinking.
2023-02-06 Why do psychologists insist on diagnosing me with depression
2023-02-07 not being taken serious by my doctors. I don't know what to do. (not ASD, but general health related) - decade of therapy and just told to adjust behavior / think it out - not working.
85% of autistic adults are unemployed. We're holding a careers workshop to do something about that.
How do I convey sincerity to prevent being mistaken as insincere/sarcastic/etc?
2023-02-08 I just went to the pub
i’m scared my burnout will never go away - 25 year old woman facing the long-term pattern. "This time, my ability to think clearly and communicate had been severely affected. I swear I feel like I’ve lost most of my normal vocabulary."
Slightly NSFW - I had an epiphany about being autistic and having sex
feeling like you don't know yourself because you are always told who you are.
2022-02-12 first meltdown knowing I'm autistic
Reaching breaking point Long-term 10 year treatment of Anxiety isn't solving autism
It's not that I don't understand social cues; I just don't like them.
"I was diagnosed with autism at 13. I didn't find out until my 30s"
im tired of the constant ablism on soical media, and it makes me so mad.
2023-02-20 Eye opener at a Festival
Is it possible to have sensory issues without “noticing” it?
2023-02-22 Does anyone have irregular handwriting?
I just got diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and severe depression as an adult
"Camouflaging" of autistic traits linked to internalizing symptoms such as anxiety and depression
2023-02-24 Any late diagnosed people noticed skill regression in themselves?
I got a support grant and I'm about ready to give up on actually getting any support.
Have a Hard Time Talking to Others Due to Autism, But I Love Writing